Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Kemeja Batik Motif Ulos Batak by: BAMS Batik

Setelah berkiprah di dunia batik motif gorga, kali ini kita kedatangan motif ulos batak. berbagai jenis ulos dikreasikan menjadi motif batik seperti ulos Sadum, pucca, ragi hidup dan ragi hotang memperkaya morif batik anak medan sumut (BAMS). Dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau, hanya 90rb diluar ongkir.
*Kemeja Batik Pucca: Hitam,Merah
*Kemeja Batik Ragi Hidup: Hitam, Merah,Coklat dan Biru
*Kemeja Batik Ragi Hotang: Merah, Hitam, Hijau dan Biru
*Kemeja Batik Sadum: Hijau, Merah
*Kemeja Batik Khusus Perempuan: Motif Ragi Hidup Merah (Harga 105rb)
*Tersedia Ukuran dari S-XL
*Ukuran XL keatas dikenakan 5rb per setiap penambahan ukuran,. Sampai Ukuran L4
*Kemeja Lengan Panjang= 105rb Tersedia Motif Kemeja Ragi Hidup Merah saja

Batik Motif Ulos Ragi Hidup Merah

Batik  Motif Ulos Ragi Hotang Merah

Batik Motif Ulos Pucca Hitam

Batik Motif Ulos Sadum Hijau
 Motif lebih lengkap lagi silahkan masuk ke grup Batik anak medan sumut (BAMS)

Alamat Kios Kecil di Medan:
*JL. KL. Yos Sudarso, Lorong 3 No. 3A, Masuk Gang BTN Pulau Brayan, Depan SMA Yos Sudarso/Vihara, Rumah ke dua sebelah Kiri, Pulo Brayan

*Jl. HM Joni No. 1A, Samping Makam Pahlawan, Kios di Loket Karya Agung pas simpang Lampu Merah, Teladan Barat, Medan

081281986646/ caling,sms,whatsapp
Pin by Request
Fb: Sudirman Napitupulu
Twitter: irman70


Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Rafting Seru (Arung Jeram) Sungai Binge Binjai

Mau ngadu adrenalin dan serunya rafting melepas suntuk, kami hadir untuk memfasilitasi yang anda inginkan. Menikmati arung jeram di Sungai Binge Binjai, (setengah jam dari Binjai Supermall) dengan debit air yang menantang dan keeksotisan dinding dinding tebing di sekitar sungai, gabung lah bersama kami..

Harga Standar: 250rb/pack (Kadang berubah,sering juga ada harga promo)
#Transport Lokal (dari Camp- Starting Point)
#Free Lunch
#Free Alat Rafting (Helm, Dayung, Pelampung dan Perahu)
#Free Pemandu Profesional
# Wellcome Drink

Lama Pengarungan sekitar 2 jam.

Chandra: 0853 7112 6777
               0857 6533 0874
               (Pin BB  by Request)

Salah satu jeram menegangkan

free Dokumentasi

we are team

Selasa, 24 September 2013

House of Tapanuli

Seems like a dream house.. A house where we get all of Tapanuli's case, exactly about its handy-craft. Tapanuli has been famous with Ulos, the unique cloth from Bataknese. Recently, there are many new creativity still breathe Batak. There are Batik with Ulos motif, Gorga motif. It's so very beautiful, you can find it in this house..

This gallery will be set with Batak's style, at least its architecture. Even the music of Batak will make it more colorful. Sounding of Gordang, Sulim and andung andung and also contemporary batak's song. It's magic, i think..

I wanna make it my dreams come true...
after success in this case, wanna try the Batak's culinary. Of course,the Halal one. Though many foods of Batak aren't Halal because some of them made from Pig meals such as Saksang, Lomok lomok, BPK, Panggang etc. But the Halal one is so delicious too. Arsik, Mie Gomak,Naniura, Sambal Tuktuk, Ikan teri, Pora Pora and Daun Ubi Tumbuk, some of the recommended one. all of them are Halal. Still with Batak concept, wanna make people having their lunch, dinner feel live in Batak house. It's House of Tapanuli.

Pray for it..
Horas, Mauliae